Thursday, November 1, 2007


Broomfield man admits having drug-porn sleepovers for boys
I read an article about a man who had 13 year-old boys over to his house to spend the night, drink alcohol, smoke marijuana, and watch porn. The first thing that came to my mind was where were the parents? How did these children's parents not know what they were doing? If I was a mom I would make sure I knew where my kid was at all times. This shows the lack of love and attention towards children these days. It's sad to think how fast life is going by though. How one second you are pooping in the sand box and the next you are lying to your mom and going out and drinking. What happened to the morals? Kids always say I will never do anything bad I will stay a good kid, and as soon as you know it your out in the real world doing things un-imaginable at a young age. This reminded me about the seminar we had in class because we talked about the things people are getting into and how decisions and choices have changed. How middle schoolers are getting condoms and birth control because more than 5 girls have gotten prenant. It's ridiculous! I'm not saying I haven't done anything bad that I sometimes wish I hadn't done, but nothing this outrageous. I think it's horrible that these kids in this article were willing to go to this guys house and do horrible things with them. A guy so sick to even think that would be fun or good or whatever he was thinking. You have to be truly sick in the head to do something like this it's disgusting.


Pye said...

Thats borderline upsetting...How old was the guy that had the kids over?

Ashlie T. said...

I think that that is absolutly GROSS. I agree with you in some ways. Like How kids are acting now and lying to their parents. I think more about what the kids are doing than what the parents are doing about it though. A lot of parents look into what the kids are doing, but the kids are really the important ones in the matter.

I see the man and the kids mostly at fault rather than the parents and I weonder what this world is coming to.

Nate R. said...

how does this relate to you and what do you think?

Austin G. said...

Sami i agree with you in so many ways. My paretns always say to me be safe and don't do anything that you will regret in later life. I think even though are parents say all these things to us we ignore them because they have said it so many times to us. I wanted to ask sami what do your parents say to you when you go out and do something with your friends? I think that with all the talks that you have with your paretns will help in later life so you know what is right and wrong.

Jeremiah.G said...

Wow, this blog is popular. It is also extremely well written and applies to every single kid in, well, the world. I think kids' morals slowly leave them as their friend's do. They want to act like what they see in movies, music videos, and also like people around them. Kids think they need to grow up in high school, they don't. They should prepare for being on their own, but not prematurely like so many teenagers do. I think kids need to seriuosly look ahead in their life, and consider what they're doing now, because the choices and descisions and things they do know, will affect them their whole lives. So what you do in three years, affects the next 60 years. The cost is higher than the benefit in that ratio.

Rachael S said...

WOW, I never thought about how kids and teens do bad things because of the lack of attention they get from there parents. As you said in the artical about how you will always know where you kid is if you were a parent, my question is how long can parents babysit their kids? If they over protect them will they do things behind their parents backs? Well I don't know, but you did very well, googd job.

Kyle. B said...

I agree, it's pritty disturbing that 13 year old kids would do that. I think to some extent though its more of the communities fault. Over time people have started to notice that the morals of people have started to leave them. 50 years ago no kid would have done this because back then the community wasn't as bad. Because drugs and such are a general thing you see on tv and hear in songs kdis will obviously want to try them eventually, right? And a lot of these kids partents probably havn't talked to them about drugs and they probably dont know all the negative side effects they have. It's their fault for trying it but its also other peoples faults that they wern't persuaded not to try it.

Genna B. said...

That's sick, on both sides. Why would they even considered going with him?